Transfer Nation Talks
Welcome to the Transfer Nation Podcast! Transfer Nation is dedicated to celebrating & sharing information about all things transfer!
The episodes will focus on all aspects of serving transfer students throughout their transfer journey. They will feature both the point-of-view of professionals working with transfer students as well as insights from transfer students themselves.
If you would like to be part of a future episode or have ideas of topics to feature do not hesitate to reach out to wearetransfernation@gmail.com.
Continue the #transfer conversation by joining the TN Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TransferNation
You can also follow TN on Instagram (@wearetransfernation) and Twitter (@TransferPride)!
Check out the TN YouTube channel at tinyurl.com/tnationtube
Transfer Nation Talks
Latest Episodes
Centering Students with Dependents in Policy & Practice

Transfer Athletes Miniseries | Episode 1 | Introduction

Transfer Narratives | Call-to-Action

Tea on Transfer | Sept 2024

#StudentStory | Emily Armlin | #NISTS2023 Transfer Ambassador